Red Dot Optic Sights Footprint Guide

The first think you need to understand when mounting a Red Dot Optic Sight on your pistol is the footprint of your sight. Below is consolidated list of common pistol sights and their footprints. If you do not see your sight and/or are confused, reach out to us at and we will try to help! 

Once you know your footprint, use our shortcut guide to find a mounting plate for your pistol here!

Have an Optics Ready cut Handgun, but do not know what footprint you have? Check here.

Please note - all Lakeline Optics Ready slides are cut with the RMSc Footprint. 

Red Dot Optic Footprint
Actus Core-1 1×20 Aimpoint Micro standard
Actus Core-2 1×20 Aimpoint Micro standard
Ade Advanced Optics RD3-002 Docter/Noblex standard
ADE Advanced Optics RD3-006A Huracan Docter/Noblex standard
ADE Advanced Optics RD3-006B Huracan Docter/Noblex standard
ADE Advanced Optics RD3-009 Crusader Docter/Noblex standard
ADE Advanced Optics RD3-011 Avenger Trijicon RMR standard
ADE Advanced Optics RD3-012 Delta Docter/Noblex standard
ADE Advanced Optics RD3-013 Bertrillium Docter/Noblex standard
ADE Advanced Optics RD3-018 Spike Shield standard (RMS)
ADE Advanced Optics RD3-019 Stingray Trijicon RMR standard
ADE Advanced Optics RD3-020 Raptor Trijicon RMR standard
ADE Advanced Optics RD3-021 Nuwa Shield standard (RMS)
ADE Advanced Optics RD3-021 Nuwa Pro Shield standard (RMS)
ADE Advanced Optics RD3-023 Valkyrie Trijicon RMR standard
ADE Advanced Optics RD3-030 Apollo Pro Shield standard (RMS)
Aimpoint ACRO C-1 Aimpoint Acro standard
Aimpoint ACRO C-2 Aimpoint Acro standard
Aimpoint ACRO P-1 Aimpoint Acro standard
Aimpoint ACRO P-2 Aimpoint Acro standard
Aimpoint CompM4h Aimpoint CompM4 standard
Aimpoint CompM4s Aimpoint CompM4 standard
Aimpoint CompM5 Aimpoint Micro standard
Aimpoint CompM5 Aimpoint Micro standard
Aimpoint CompM5b Aimpoint Micro standard
Aimpoint CompM5s Aimpoint Micro standard
Aimpoint Duty RDS Aimpoint Micro standard
Aimpoint Micro H-1 Aimpoint Micro standard
Aimpoint Micro H-2 Aimpoint Micro standard
Aimpoint Micro T-1 Aimpoint Micro standard
Aimpoint Micro T-2 Aimpoint Micro standard
AT3 ARO Docter/Noblex standard
Athlon Midas TSR1 Docter/Noblex standard
Athlon Midas TSR2 Aimpoint Micro standard
Blaser RD 17 Aimpoint Micro standard
Burris Fastfire 2 Docter/Noblex standard(enclosed adapter with wider threaded sockets)
Burris Fastfire 3 Docter/Noblex standard(enclosed adapter with wider threaded sockets)
Burris Fastfire 4 Docter/Noblex standard
Burris Fastfire RD Aimpoint Micro standard
Burris RT-1X Trijicon MRO standard
Bushnell AR Optics Micro Reflex Unique(similar to Docter/Noblex standard)
Bushnell TRS-125 Aimpoint Micro standard
C-More Railway C-more Railway standard
C-more RTS C-more standard
C-more RTS 2 C-more standard
C-More Slide Ride C-more Railway standard
C-more STS C-more standard
C-more STS 2 C-more standard
C-More Tactical Railway C-more Railway standard
Crimson Trace CT Rad Docter/Noblex standard
Crimson Trace CT Rad Pro Docter/Noblex standard
Crimson Trace CT Rad Micro RMS
Crimson Trace CT Rad Micro Pro RMS
Crimson Trace CTS-1525 RMSc (rear hump on sight might require plate modification)
Crimson Trace CTS-1550 RMSc (rear hump on sight might require plate modification)
Crimson Trace CTS-1250 Docter/Noblex standard
Cyelee Wolf0 RMR
Cyelee CT2 RMR
Cyelee CAT RMSc
Cyelee CT2 RMR
Cyelee CAT Pro RMSc
Cyelee Wolf Pro RMR
Cyelee Wolf 2 RMR
Cyelee Wolf 2 STIG-RS RMR
Cyelee Calf V2  Doctor/Vortex
Cyelee Calf X1 Doctor
Cyelee CAT X Pro RMSc
Cyelee Wolf X Pro RMR
Delta Optical MiniDot Docter/Noblex standard(enclosed adapter with wider threaded sockets)
Delta Optical MiniDot HD 24 C-more standard
Delta Optical MiniDot HD 25 Unique(similar to Docter/Noblex standard)
Delta Optical MiniDot HD 26 C-more standard
Delta Optical MiniDot II Docter/Noblex standard(enclosed adapter with wider threaded sockets)
Delta Optical Stryker C-more standard
DI Optical SP1 Aimpoint Micro standard
Docter QUICKsight 5.0 VR Docter/Noblex standard
Docter Sight 2 Plus Docter/Noblex standard
Docter Sight 3 Docter/Noblex standard
Docter Sight C Docter/Noblex standard
FTP Optics Alpha 3 C-more standard
GPO Spectra Pistol Dot Shield standard (RMS)
Hawke Reflex 1×25 Docter/Noblex standard(enclosed adapter with wider threaded sockets)
Holosun 407A3 Trijicon RMR standard
Holosun 407A3-X2 Trijicon RMR standard
Holosun 407C Trijicon RMR standard
Holosun 407C V2 Trijicon RMR standard
Holosun 407C X2 Trijicon RMR standard
Holosun 407K Unique(modification of the Shield standard)
Holosun 407K X2 Unique(modification of the Shield standard)
Holosun 507C Trijicon RMR standard
Holosun 507C V2 Trijicon RMR standard
Holosun 507C X2 Trijicon RMR standard
Holosun 507K Unique(modification of the Shield standard)
Holosun 507K X2 Unique(modification of the Shield standard)
Holosun 508T Trijicon RMR standard
Holosun 508T X2 Trijicon RMR standard
Holosun AEMS Holosun AEMS standard
Holosun AEMS Core Holosun AEMS standard
Holosun EPS Unique(modification of the Shield standard), comes with RMSc plate
Holosun EPS Carry Unique(modification of the Shield standard), comes with RMSc plate
Holosun Paralow 403B Aimpoint Micro standard
Holosun Paralow 403C Aimpoint Micro standard
Holosun Paralow 403GL Aimpoint Micro standard
Holosun Paralow 403R Aimpoint Micro standard
Holosun Paralow 503BU Aimpoint Micro standard
Holosun Paralow 503C Aimpoint Micro standard
Holosun Paralow 503CU Aimpoint Micro standard
Holosun Paralow 503FL Aimpoint Micro standard
Holosun Paralow 503G Aimpoint Micro standard
Holosun Paralow 503GU Aimpoint Micro standard
Holosun Paralow 503R Aimpoint Micro standard
Holosun Paralow 515C Aimpoint Micro standard
Holosun Paralow 515CM Aimpoint Micro standard
Holosun Paralow 515CT Aimpoint Micro standard
Holosun Paralow 515GM Aimpoint Micro standard
Holosun Paralow 515GT Aimpoint Micro standard
Holosun Paralow 530C Aimpoint Micro standard
Holosun Paralow 530G Aimpoint Micro standard
Holosun SCS 320 Shield standard (RMS)
Holosun SCS M&P 2.0 Smith & Wesson M&P 2.0 standard
Holosun SCS MOS Glock MOS standard
Holosun SCS PDP Walther PDP 2.0 standard
Holosun SCS VP9 Heckler & Koch VP9 standard
JP Enterprises JPoint Shield standard (RMS)
Kahles Helia RD C-more standard
Kahles Helia RD-C Aimpoint Micro standard
Kite Optics K1 C-more standard
Leica Tempus Docter/Noblex standard
Leica Tempus 2 Docter/Noblex standard
Leupold Delta Point Pro Shield standard (RMS)
MAKdot 1×25 Docter/Noblex standard
MAKdot S 1×20 Aimpoint Micro standard
MAKdot SH Docter/Noblex standard
Meopta Meosight III Unique(similar to Docter/Noblex standard)
Meopta Meosight IV Docter/Noblex standard
Meprolight MicroRDS Unique(similar to Docter/Noblex standard)
Minox RV1 Aimpoint Micro standard
NcStar VISM FlipDot Pro Trijicon RMR standard
Noblex QUICKsight 5.0 VR Docter/Noblex standard
Noblex Sight 2 Plus Docter/Noblex standard
Noblex Sight 3 Docter/Noblex standard
Noblex Sight C Docter/Noblex standard
Noblex Sight G Docter/Noblex standard
Primary Arms SLX Advanced Rotary Knob Aimpoint Micro standard
Primary Arms SLX MD-20 Aimpoint Micro standard
Riton X3 Tactix PRD Trijicon RMR standard
Sig Sauer Romeo Zero Shield standard (RMS)
Sig Sauer Romeo-MSR Aimpoint Micro standard
Sig Sauer Romeo 1 Unique
Sig Sauer Romeo 1 PRO Deltapoint (most)
Sig Sauer Romeo3 1×25 C-more standard
Sig Sauer Romeo3 Max 1×30 C-more standard
Sig Sauer Romeo3 XL 1×35 C-more standard
Sig Sauer Romeo4 Aimpoint Micro standard
Sig Sauer Romeo5 Aimpoint Micro standard
Sig Sauer RomeoX Compact RMSc
Sightmark Element Mini Solar Aimpoint Micro standard
Sightmark Mini Shot A-Spec M3 Shield standard (RMS)
Sightmark Mini Shot M-Spec Docter/Noblex standard
Sightmark Mini Shot Pro Spec Docter/Noblex standard(enclosed adapter with wider threaded sockets)
Sightmark Wolverine 1×23 CSR Aimpoint Micro standard
Sightmark Wolverine 1×28 FSR Aimpoint Micro standard
Steiner MPS Aimpoint Acro standard
Sureye Pro Micro RMSc
Swampfox Justice RMR 1×27 Trijicon RMR standard
Swampfox Liberator 1×22 Aimpoint Micro standard
Swampfox Liberty RMR 1×22 Trijicon RMR standard
Swampfox Sentinel 1×16 Shield standard (RMS)
Swampox Kingslayer Trijicon RMR standard
Trijicon MRO Trijicon MRO standard
Trijicon MRO Patrol Trijicon MRO standard
Trijicon RMR Trijicon RMR standard
Trijicon SRO Trijicon RMR standard
US Optics DRS 2.0 Docter/Noblex standard(enclosed adapter with wider threaded sockets)
US Optics DRS 2.0 Enhanced Docter/Noblex standard(enclosed adapter with wider threaded sockets)
UTG OP3 Micro Docter/Noblex standard
UTG OP3 Mini Micro Shield standard (RMS)
Vector Optics Centurion 1×20 Aimpoint Micro standard
Vector Optics Centurion 1×30 Unique(modification of the Trijicon MRO standard)
Vector Optics Frenzy 1x17x24 Docter/Noblex standard
Vector Optics Frenzy 1x20x28 Docter/Noblex standard(enclosed adapter with wider threaded sockets)
Vector Optics Frenzy 1x22x26 Trijicon RMR standard
Vector Optics Frenzy 1x26x32 C-more standard
Vector Optics Frenzy Plus 1x18x20 Aimpoint Acro standard
Vector Optics Frenzy-S 1x16x22 Shield standard (RMS)
Vector Optics Frenzy-S 1x17x24 MIC Shield standard (RMS)
Vector Optics Maverick 1×22 Aimpoint Micro standard
Vector Optics Maverick 1×22 Gen II Aimpoint Micro standard
Vector Optics Scrapper Aimpoint Micro standard
Vector Optics Scrapper 1×22 Aimpoint Micro standard
Vomz Pilad 1×20 Docter/Noblex standard
Vortex Crossfire Aimpoint Micro standard
Vortex Razor C-more standard
Vortex Sparc AR Aimpoint Micro standard
Vortex Sparc Solar Aimpoint Micro standard
Vortex Venom Docter/Noblex standard
Vortex Viper Docter/Noblex standard
ZeroTech Thrive Aimpoint Micro standard